Yuck! A skunk…

Rick has always thought there was a skunk living in the immediate area because we always have several incidents a summer that smell like it is right outside our bedroom window.  When Jeanine was out visiting me last week, we saw a skunk two doors down walking around the garbage cans that were put out for pickup the next day. Keep in mind that this spotting was at 10:00pm at night when it was dark.

Last night I happened to glance out the front window and there he was.  Right in the center of my front yard – when it was still light outside!  So I grabbed the camera to show Jeanine our friend had returned.  I took about 10 photos but they were all from behind the glass (I was so not opening the door! lol!) These are the clearest I got.. but you can still see him.  UGH!

Anyone know of anything that can make our yard not so interesting to be in for this guy?  Is there even such a thing as a de-skunker or “skunk be gone”?… lol!