Mind mapping on MindMeister

I thought this online program was interesting.  Not sure how much I’ll really use it but the concept of “Mind Mapping” is very intuitive and easy to do. 

On this site mindmeister.com, you can sign up for a free basic account and create various “maps”… You just click and type and it automatically builds the “tree” out as you go. Mindmeister allows you to share your maps publicly if you want or keep them private. If you share them publicly you can choose to add a password to them so that your maps won’t appear on mindmeister’s public list but just appear places you want – like me posting this to my blog. You can also collaboratively work on the maps like you can with google docs (oh Jeanine….).  It’s an interesting and quick way to make a list or just brainstorm. Remember those brainstorming sessions you did back in school?

Anyway, I just thought this was a cool site.  🙂