My Bathroom Renovation

It has been so long since I’ve blogged…. or designed anything for that matter.   Contrary to popular belief I have not fallen off the face of the planet… lol!  For the past few months I have been working on renovating my two bathrooms.  I got to the point where I just had enough of their current state.  We’ve lived in this house for almost 8 years and have done nothing major to it outside of getting new siding and windows 4 years ago.  We typically don’t put money into the house and that really needs to change.

I actually had a lot of fun remodeling the bathrooms and have learned a lot in the process.  I did the majority of the work by myself (like….98%).  My husband only helped to pull out the one toilet and help demo the sink in the 2nd bathroom and take down the wall to wall mirror.

Here are some photos from the first bathroom that I re-did.  I should have just re-tiled the floor during this but at the beginning of this project, I was a bit tentative and felt tiling was a huge step.  I wanted to “practice” first in the guest bathroom. LOL!  In the 2nd bathroom, I did end up going tile crazy and will eventually come back and put in a new tile floor for this bathroom too.  Installing the floor in this bathroom will be so much easier than what I ended up doing in the 2nd bathroom (but more on that later).  For the short term solution, I just painted the floor because I had to do something about that nasty green.

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