It’s Friday! Garbage Day a National Holiday

Fridays are highly anticipated in this house but not because of the normal TGIF crap that everyone usually feels on the way towards the weekend.  In this house, Fridays are treated as a national holiday because Friday is GARBAGE DAY!

The progression of the week is marked by its relation to garbage day.

  • Is it garbage day today?
  • When is it going to be garbage day?
  • It’s going to be garbage day soon.
  • It’s only Monday.  It’s going to be garbage day on Friday.
  • It’s going to be garbage day tomorrow.
  • It’s garbage day TODAY!
  • It was garbage day yesterday…

Dan has been enthralled with garbage days since he was 2 1/2.   He can hear the garbage truck coming down the street from the back of the house. He will then fly into action and stop whatever he’s doing and proudly announce that a garbage truck is here. He then makes his way to the front window where he gawks and talks about the garbage truck at length.  He’ll even sing songs about the garbage truck (or the dog as she never leaves his side) while he watches them take our trash away.

And boy are we are in for a treat if there ever happens to be TWO garbage trucks on the street at the same time – which does happen especially if they are working both sides of the street or if both the recycling truck and refuse truck show up together or if its free garbage day (where you can throw out anything and everything without paying for $2.50 stickers).   I don’t know what the fascination with garbage trucks is.  With Dan it’s not really about the “truck” part.  He’s not into trucks as much.  It’s all about one special truck – the “garbage truck”.

In fact, the highlight of yesterday came on the way home from the grocery store.  There was a garbage truck in front of us. In front of us!  Dan of course got all excited.  At some point we passed the truck which ignited a hailstorms of “Look momma, we’ve passed the garbage truck.”, “Look momma, its now following us.”, “Drive faster momma so we’ll win!”.  Yes, it’s not every day in the life of a boy where you can race a garbage truck down the highway.  LOL!

Not shortly after, we came to a stop light.  We were on a highway with 3 lanes and by the way the traffic was lining up, I could tell that the garbage truck would end up right next to us if no one cut it off.  I announce this to Dan who has twisted around in his seat in order to keep his eye on the truck.  As it pulls up next to us, he can see  the driver inside the front cab and starts waving excitedly and announcing to the world “Momma!!!!  There is a GARBAGE TRUCK next to us!! and it’s a GREEN garbage truck!”  The driver looks over and has this confused look on his face like “What the hell?”

I’m sure firefighters and policemen are used to being adored as celebrities by little 4 year old boys… but garbage truck drivers?  hmmm… usually not.  I hope it made his day.

Morning!… It’s early…

It’s early today…. haven’t blogged in so long… haven’t twittered in days… I don’t know what it is about blogging and twittering but my intentions are to do it but then I don’t.   Maybe it’s because inherently I am a very shy person.   It’s always interesting when other people say their shy but then you see them out in public and shy is not the word I’d ever use to describe them.  I never know what to say… even on my own damn blog.  “Who cares” is always running through my head.  Maybe it’s because most of the blogs I read promote business or are very funny.  I wish I was funny and had something funny or intelligent to write.  But alas I am not and do not…


I should make blogging and twittering a real part of my day (like an exercise) so I can start working out that “shy” and “why would anyone care” feelings I always get when I do these things.  Who cares that I just got my coffee and I’m up at 5:30am?  lol… I have always had that feeling of being thought of as stupid when I open my mouth so most of the time (unless I really know you) I do not say much at all.  I think it’s part of what being shy is.  I wouldn’t say I don’t have confidence in myself because in a lot of ways I am very confident.  When I am confident in something, I can talk easily about it. It’s just when I am not confident about the topic or feel out of place I shut up which makes it even worse. Then people think I am stuck up which is very far from the truth.  Jeanine and I gave away some Kristy Valshan badges for the upcoming CHA show and I’d imagine we’ll run into you all (you know who you are and might even read this… maybe…lol).. so when you see me and I don’t say much of anything, it really isn’t because I don’t like you.  It’s because I have this severe “my mouth does not move in groups” problem.


Moving on…


Dan  has been climbing out of his crib the past week.  Yes, this time around I put no rush on moving him out of his crib like I did with the girls. But even with the girls, they were later moving out of their cribs then their cousins.  Dan is another year later at that… He is 3 1/2 right now.   He still naps (not every day but he goes down for nap every day) and I so don’t want to lose that right now.  He actually needs his naps.  When he doesn’t get one he is horrible.   So he has been climbing out and yesterday morning I heard a loud thump around 7am.  No crying through.  Then I heard his door creak open and shut.  When Rick went to get him he had climbed back into his crib.  lol!  So I think it was time for a big boy bed.


I was going to pick up one at Walmart (one of those little beds) like we did with the girls.  Jessica was a constant crib jumper.  She would jump and jump and jump and finally bent the spring frame so bad that we had to get a new bed.  But after talking to Jeanine about Calista’s bed (didn’t even realize it was her crib w/o the railing at least I sure didn’t remember that – then again I don’t seem to remember anything these days), I decided to try removing the railing on Dan’s crib instead of spending money for a special toddler bed.


So I removed the railing around 5:30pm last night and for the next 30-45 minutes Dan ran around the house screaming at the top of his lunges that his bed was broke and I had to fix it.  lol!  Ironically what finally got him settled down is Sammie took a turn laying down in it and Rogue (leave it to the damn dog) came up and licked her nose.  Sammie then told Dan that one of the benefits of not having the railing was he could pet Rogue easier.  SOLD!  Didn’t have to tell him twice… he and that dog are glued at the hip….  So after that he tried the “new” bed he wanted Jess to lay with him for awhile.  Very strange.


When it was bedtime, we only had one incident of hearing him get out of bed.  Told him to get back in and that was it.  He did and went to sleep. We have been lucky with all of our kids when it comes to going to bed and naps.  We really haven’t had many problems.  I think part of that is we have never made bedtime a big thing or naps a big thing.   We do not have a “routine” for either and never have.  I think our routine is that every night at 8pm it’s time for bed and they all go.  Every day after lunch it’s time for a nap…  Some nights we’ll hear talking in the rooms but nothing too bad.  Some days Dan won’t really nap but that’s okay too.  When he is tired he will put himself to bed and I know that isn’t something you see every day.


Anyway… I am proud of my little man and how he adjusted to his big boy bed last night.  I wonder what the nap will bring today though…