Rick and Me

At the reception on Saturday, they played a video montage of Mal and Roberto.  They had so many photos together.  They dated for 4 years before getting married and had a boat load of photos.   I have known Rick since we were sophomores in HS and dated him for about 6 years before we got married.  We don’t have many photos of us together… that is sad and depressing…  we tend not to like the camera much…  So when we went to our nephew’s birthday party on Sunday I snapped a few of us.  I don’t have one of those camera arm things that Jeanine has (can’t think of the name of it) but I think these came out alright.  🙂



I finally got the bills paid this morning… only took DAYS… Now I should go work on Jess’s room a little since Jeanine will be camping out in Jess’s room while she’s here.  Her flight doesn’t get into until 9pm tonight so I have a little time… lol!  Hopefully…